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Bleeding, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology studies problems related to blood coagulation, fibrinolysis, hemostasis, physiopathology and therapy of hemorrhagic and thrombotic diseases. It encourages and promotes clinical and laboratory research on thrombosis and hemostasis, also through the institution of research awards and "travel grants" for young researchers to participate in Italian or international congresses. It develops and supports the organization of scientific congresses, conferences and educational courses on the themes of hemostasis and thrombosis, promoting the exchange of knowledge. It promotes, protects and disseminates the results of research carried out by its members, and raises awareness of these issues in the scientific world. It transfers and summarizes developments in international research in the field of hemostasis and thrombosis through the preparation of guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of thrombotic or hemorrhagic diseases, encouraging the application of scientific data to clinical practice.

Submitting articles in our journal is free of charge; even the article publication fee is not required, since the costs are covered by private funds (SISET).

Early Access

  • SISET50: trajectories of hemostasis and thrombosis in Italy 1970-2020

    Giovanni de Gaetano, Maria Benedetta Donati, Americo Bonanni
    PDF: 30

  • Remembering the XXVI SISET Congress and the 50th anniversary of its foundation, 2020

    Armando Tripodi
    PDF: 24

  • At the age of three

    Giovanni de Gaetano, Chiara Cerletti
    PDF: 48

  • Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in orthopedic surgery: a narrative review

    Sarah Gallitto, Thomas C. Varkey, Jacob Lahti
    PDF: 95

  • Impaired platelet function in Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome associated with novel mutations in HPS3, HPS6 and HPS8 genes

    Lisa Pieri, Silvia Linari, Francesca Salvianti, Monica Attanasio, Giancarlo Castaman
    PDF: 126

  • The 2024 Nobel prize in Medicine: impact on hemostasis and thrombosis research

    Loredana Bury, Marco Malvestiti, Paolo Gresele
    PDF: 189

  • The use of creatine and the development of deep vein thrombosis. A scoping review

    Kartik Akkihal, Thomas Varkey, James Kelbert
    PDF: 169
    Supplementary: 82

  • Thrombin generation assay in COVID-19 patients shows a hypocoagulable pattern

    Giovanni L. Tiscia, Donatella Colaizzo, Antonio De Laurenzo, Filomena Cappucci, Lucia Fischetti, Elena Chinni, Mario Mastroianno, Giovanni Favuzzi, Massimo Carella, Elvira Grandone
    PDF: 230
    Supplementary: 176