Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Thrombosis and Hemostasis Issues in Cancer, 2024

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We are pleased to present this volume of the Proceedings and the Abstracts of the 12th International Conference on Thrombosis and Hemostasis Issues in Cancer (ICTHIC) being held in Bergamo, Italy, May 17-19, 2024.

Cancer-associated thrombosis – which includes both venous and arterial events in its clinical manifestations and involves cancer biology, hemostatic proteins, platelets and many other players in its subclinical terrain – is an old problem. Yet it makes its way into the newest of new themes in cancer medicine, including new paradigms of treatment which continue to be complicated by this very old effect [...]

  • Cancer complicated by thrombosis and thrombocytopenia: still a therapeutic dilemma

    Yishi Tan, Marc Carrier, Nicola Curry, Michael Desborough, Kathryn Musgrave, Marie Scully, Tzu-Fei Wang, Mari Thomas, Simon J. Stanworth
    PDF: 155

  • Cancer-associated ischemic stroke: current knowledge and future directions

    Ronda Lun, Deborah M. Siegal
    PDF: 353

  • Endothelial cell dysfunction in cancer: a not-so-innocent bystander

    Betül Ünlü, Neha Joshi, Jamie M. O'Sullivan
    PDF: 169

  • Factor XI inhibitors: a new option for the prevention and treatment of cancer-associated thrombosis

    Marcello Di Nisio, Matteo Candeloro, Nicola Potere, Ettore Porreca, Jeffrey I. Weitz
    PDF: 234

  • Location of metastasis and complications in patients with venous thromboembolism and cancer: a systematic review

    Maria Barca-Hernando, Victor Garcia-Garcia, Luis Jara-Palomares
    PDF: 120

  • New drugs, old problems: immune checkpoint inhibitors and cancer-associated thrombosis

    Mehrie H. Patel, Alok A. Khorana
    PDF: 181

  • Venous thromboembolism and mortality in patients with hematological malignancies

    Kristen M. Sanfilippo, Tzu-Fei Wang
    PDF: 141

  • Venous thromboembolism treatment in patients with cancer: reflections on an evolving landscape

    Agnes Y.Y. Lee
    PDF: 230